Each and everyone of us carries childhood imprints, usually created between the age of 0 to 7.
In order to survive these imprints (some may call it traumas ) we develop different coping mechanisms which may look like limiting beliefs about ourselves, addictions, distractions to avoid our feelings and much more.
Many of these coping mechanisms are keeping us in a constant state of survival in which we cannot relax and just Be.
One important question one should ask themselves is “Am I living or surviving?”.
When you are in a constant state of survival you cannot be present and you cannot really live.
The Art of Falling Apart, is following that dynamic by focusing on how the feelings, that unfold in the moment, point to childhood traumas and associated underlying beliefs.
When we allow those feelings to be felt in the body, we can dis-identify from them, see the falsehood of the belief system, and allow ourselves more and more to just be.
Also see Testimonies.

About Jivan
My life has fallen apart many times and each time I got closer to myself.
As a young adult I lived my life as my parents and society expected from me. I grew up in Israel and I studied and worked as an engineer for years until at a certain point, my life didn’t make sense anymore.
After a big crisis in my life I went to the Osho Ashram in India and from then my journey inward really began. This journey took me to many places around the world in which I had many workshops focusing on ‘primal feelings’, Tantra, somatic work and much more. My extensive travels and consciousness expanding experiences gave me deep insights.
Among the places I traveled and the training I had are:
- Osho Multiversity in Poona, India.
- Humaniversity in Holland
- Sky Dancing Tantra Institute Harbin Hot Springs
- Pacha Mama Community, Costa Rica
- Compassionate Inquiry Intensive with Dr. Gabor Mate
- Re EMDR training with Orit Klapisch
- Many Plant Medicine ceremonies with Carioca Freitas
The closer I got to myself, the more I could see other people deeply and the more I was called to be of service.
The essence of my work today as a Life Mentor and a Guide is to help people to be truly present with themselves, by identifying old childhood imprints and their accompanied limiting belief systems, and eventually releasing those so you can connect to your True Essence and really experience the magic called Life.
I combine different modalities into his practice, such as Somatic work, examining limiting belief systems, Compassionate Inquiry, emotional release, meditation, Re EMDR energy work and counseling.
Additionally, I have been working with in Expanded Consciousness space since 2000. My experience and personal relationship with Medicine and were a big driving force in developing my offerings and deepened my connection with the Divine.
Over the last 11 years I have been facilitating and holding space in Expanded Consciousness Experiences with different modalities including private sessions, group ceremonies, on going daily practices and integration work..
If you want to know more about me and my work and setup a free 30 minutes Discovery Call, please go to the Offerings page.